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Tuesday 27 December 2011


The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs


a) When handling or treating a dog that has burnt, be careful. Burns are very painful and animals in pain resent being handled. A good tape muzzle or a competent assistant is essential.

b) In serious cases, where the dog has been badly burned, treat first for shock. Keep the dog warm and give it a mixture of glucose and water.

c) Relieve the pain by administering analgesics.

d) Then clean the area around the burn with a dilute solution of Cetavion (available in drug store) to remove any damaged tissues.

e) Apply tannic acid jelly or Burnol or a solution of cooled strong tea to the burnt area.

f) Bandage the area to prevent further fluid loss. It is this loss of fluid that creates serious problems in burn cases.

g) In very serious cases, wrap the dog in a blanket and get it to a vet surgeon.


a) Use soap and water to wash the chemical off the dog's hair and skin.

b) For acid burns, apply dilute bicarbonate of soda to the burnt area. For alkali burns apply vinegar and water.,

c) Apply cortisone cream or cetavion on the burn.

Raj Prateek Verma

Saturday 24 December 2011


The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs

It is quite possible that your dog may suffer from burns, being as naughty as they are. It is very painful and has to be treated immediately before rushing it to the vet in case of severe burns.

If possible give an aspirin as first aid. The commonest burns occur on the pads as the animal walks or is chased over hot ash or cinders. If the surface is unbroken or blistered, cover it with a dry, clean pad and bandage the whole feet. If the surface is broken, use any soothing ointment and bandage the feet.

The second most common burns are scales on the back caused by spilling
hot water or food as the dog gets under feet near the stove. Apply a many tailed bandage tied underneath. Remember these symptoms usually takes days to show. You can use a soothing ointment if skin is broken, but only a dry gauze if it is blistered.

A burn is caused by dry heat, such as a flame. A scald is caused by moist heat,a such as steam. But the difference is that of name. Practically since the symptoms for both are same, the same type of treatment would  apply.


Causes : Caustic soda, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, diesel oil, etc.( A note on diesel oil: animals often come into contact with diesel oil when they go under a parked vehicle.)

Description :

1. A chemical burn resembles a scald. It is moist and oozing.

2 The hair around the burn usually falls off.

3 If the animal has tried to drink the chemical, there will be ulcers around its muzzle and tongue.


Raj Prateek Verma

Friday 16 December 2011


RThe more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs


A bitten tongue is frequently seen in a dog and can be very serious.


Profuse bleeding from the mouth.

Home treatment:  A bitten tongue may sound like a minor mishap, but if the bleeding is very heavy, then it must be considered an emergency. Since the tongue is constantly moist and moving, it is very difficult for a blood clot to form, so the bleeding is continuous, and if the cut is deep enough, the dog may bleed to death

Fortunately, it would take several hours, at the least, for this to happen, which gives you plenty of time to get the dog to a doctor. If it is possible, that is, if the dog will allow it, hold its tongue in a cotton pad to reduce the bleeding, while you are transporting the animal to the veterinary surgeon. Sometimes putting a lump of sugar and holding it on the tongue can reduce the flow of blood to a great extent.


The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs


Nose bleeds are symptoms and the dog owner should be more concerned with the cause than with the nose bleed itself. In most cases a nose bleed will stop of its own accord fairly quickly.

Nose bleeds can be the result of :

1. Car accidents
2. A sharp blow
3. Tumours
4. Decayed tooth sockets
5.Excessive sneezing
6.Foreign bodies in the nose
8.Minute parasites in the nose


a) The nostrils should be sponged dry with cotton wool.

b)Get a torch light and carefully examine the nostrils to see if the cause or site of the hemorrhage is visible. if your dog is calm and well trained, you should be able to do it yourself: otherwise you may need an assistant. If you can see the foreign body and if your dog remains calm, you may remove it with the help of a pair of tweezers. If you do not see any thing, PLEASE DO NOT POKE ABOUT IN THE ANIMAL'S NOSTRILS.

c) If the cause of the nose bleed is not visible, then keep the dog as still as possible, Apply COLD COMPRESSES or ICE CUBES to the bridge of the nose.

d) DO NOT STUFF OR PACK THE NOSTRILS. This will just make the dog sneeze and make the bleeding worse.

Tip of the nose needs careful attention. Bleeding from the tip of the nose can be both persistent, and if too much blood is lost, potentially dangerous!  It can be controlled by pressure with the fingers. If the bleeding persists, rush to the vet.

Raj Prateek Verma

Wednesday 7 December 2011


The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs


AFGHAN HOUNDS - twists and turns and can leap like a monkey.

IBIZAN HOUND - can jump high from a standstill.

OLD ENGLISH SHEEP DOG - very agile at speed.

PHARAOH HOUND - very lithe and agile.

POINTER - Athletic.

GREYHOUND - takes the prize most of the times. It is the 18th fastest land mammal in the world, reaching 70 kmph. Among dogs it is the fastest breed in the world for distances upto half a mile, after which it can be passed by a WHIPPET. The top speed is of course the peak speed in a sprint and cannot be maintained for long, but an average of 67 kmph has been recorded  over 375 metres. Some of the popular winners from the past are:

1. Chief Pilot  covered 600 metres at a rate of 38 mph in Australia, maintaining a speed of 38.5 mph over the first 440 yards.

2. Master Magrath celebrated courser owned by Lord Lurgan, raced from 1867 to 1873 , was beaten only once, won the Waterloo Cup three times in succession.

3. Mick The Miller born in 1926, winner of the Derby twice then won ten consecutive races.

4.Pigalle Wonder:  480 metres in 28.4 seconds in Derby heats, and he also broke 29 seconds and many records.

5. Trevs Perfection won the English Greyhound Derby in 28.96 seconds over a distance of 536 yards, averaging 37.1 mph.

WHIPPET - better than a greyhound at maintaining speed if the distance is more than half a mile, but was bred for snap trails where its remarkable acceleration was fully tested. A time of 12 seconds over 200 yards is not unusual ( a trained human athlete  might do a 100 yards in 10 seconds and a fast race horse's speed over one and a half miles would be a fraction of a second slower than the sprinting whippet's. A speed of 56.8 km/hr over 200 yards has been recorded for a whippet.

SALUKI - slightly faster than the AFGHAN. 43 mph has been claimed, and one was said to have been  paced by a car travelling at 55 mph.

Raj Prateek Verma

Wednesday 16 November 2011


The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs

FREDERICK THE GREAT OF PRUSSIA  :  Carried an Italian greyhound everywhere with him., even into the battle, and he buried it himself, in the Palace garden at Berlin.

LOUIS XI OF FRANCE AND CHARLES I OF LORRAINE : passionate hunters with dogs.

LOUIS XIV : Great Pyrenean court dog known as 'The gentleman with the white fur'.


LOUIS XV : Truffle dogs.

12th CENTURY KING OF ULSTER :  offered six thousand cows for a Wolfhound called AIBE and fought a battle when his offer was declined.

15th CENTURY KING MATTHIAS I : used a Kuvasz for hunting wild boar.

16th CENTURY KING OF SPAIN  : Loved and kept Irish Wolfhounds.

CHINESE EMPEROR : AD 565 - Persian dog called CH'IN HU or Red Tiger, rode on front of Emperor's saddle.

KING SOLOMON : saluki called GIRT IN THE LOINS for coursing.

KING LOBENGUIA : 19th century Matabole chief - gave two hundred cattle for one Italian greyhound.

CHIEF M'TESA OF THE WAGANDA : Uganda- Described by Captain Speke as being accompanied by a white dog, a spear, a shield and a woman- the trappings of royalty because eight generations earlier a hunter called UGANDA came from Unyoro with a spear, shield, woman and pack of dogs and founded the kingdom of WAGANDA.

GREAT KHAN OF TARTARY : used to hunt with a pack of five thousand hounds.

DALAI LAMA OF TIBET : exchanged Lhasa apsos for Shih-tzus when visiting dignitaries came from China.

EMPERORS OF CHINA :  varieties of small spaniels like today's oriental spaniels kept only in the homes of royalty and court nobles; the court dog OKINAMARA had her troubles recorded in Lady Sei Shunagan's sketchbook, AD 991-1000

Hope you liked it.

Raj Prateek Verma

Friday 4 November 2011


The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs

Jumping : A very bad habit

Does your dog jump on guests when they visit you? Or does it jump on someone holding a plate? Well, this is a very bad habit the dog has cultivated and the you are to be blamed.  This bad habit if not checked in early stages might prove to be  hazardous. It usually starts from the puppy stage. The young puppy starts jumping for food. The owner finds it very amusing and instead of disapproving the puppy's behaviour, tends to encourage it. He doesn't seem to realize that this behaviour will cause a lot of embarrassment when guests
come calling.


1.  Food at all times :  If you feed your dog every time you or your family members are eating then you are causing serious damage to your dog. Loving your pet and spoiling it are two very different things. You as the owner, out of love might feed him  every time you sit on the table. The dog loves all this pampering and will whine or simply jump on you , begging for food. Imagine this happening to your guests! How embarrassing it will be!

How to stop this habit?

To stop jumping every time someone is having food, is to control giving food. The master as well the members of the family should feed the dog only at fixed hours. To train and discipline a dog in this and to teach him manners, never play with him with his food. The training should start at the puppy stage. Whenever the puppy tries to jump on you or on your family  members, he should be reprimanded mildly. That is to say, a stern NO or a mild slap should be enough to make the pup understand that his behaviour is not accepted.

Please remember too many people  shouting' NO 'to the puppy will only scare and confuse him. The order should come from the the master of the house or in his absence, from the lady or the elder son. This way the puppy will easily grasp the discipline of the house.

2. Showing love and affection : The puppy jumps on his master as soon as he returns from work. This is simply an exhibition of his love  towards his master. It is a way of welcoming his master home. The master surely enjoys all this and cuddles his pet little realizing the fact that the seed of indiscipline is being sown. This sweet, loving puppy will grow up one day into a huge, burly dog carrying this habit into his adult hood. He will jump on everyone as soon as the front door is opened. Can you imagine the plight of visitor who is faced with the daunting task of looking into the face of a huge brute breathing down his neck? No, this habit has to be stopped  at all costs otherwise you may find your friends avoiding a visit to your place.

If you love your pet, you should be strict with him in order to train him so that he becomes a disciplined dog, loved and admired by all. Dogs with bad habits become a nuisance and are not acceptable in the society.

Raj Prateek Verma

Sunday 30 October 2011

Legend and Fable

The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs


CAVALL - King Arthur's hound of the 'greatest mouth'.
HODAIN - faithful hound of banished Tristram


GELERT - Prince Liewelyn'n wolfhound, wrongfully killed by his master: a stone marks his grave near Snowdon.

GWYLLGI - the enormous dog of darkness


LUATH - Cuthullin's dog in FRINGAL, said to have been tied to a stone at Dunollie Castle.

MAUTHE DOG - Moddey Doo, the black spaniel which haunts Peel Castle on the Isle of Man and deters  soldiers from oaths and profanity.


LUDLUM'S DOG - of amazing laziness, lived in Mother Ludlum's cave.

SHONY DOG - Cornish dog which barks to warn of impending storms and danger

BARGHEST - the name given in Yorkshire to a monstrous goblin dog; such spectre-hounds appear in other regions under other names (the Demon of Tedworth, the Black Dog of Winchester, the Padfoot of Wakefield, the Trash of Lancashire, the Shock of Norfolk and Cambridge); it has its counterparts in the  Mauthe Dog, the Welsh Gweyllgi etc.


GARMR - awesome blood-spattered dog chained to the gate of Hell; when the world ended he broke free and fought Tyr, the god of war, and they killed each other.

RAKKE - little dog made king of the Danes but torn to pieces by hounds squabbling over his scraps.

SAURI - dog chosen as king of Norway, reigning for three years in place of the hated King Eystein; killed protecting a lamb from a wolf.


KASMIR - the dog of the seven sleepers, who kept watch for more than three hundred years.

TOBIT'S DOG - who went to heaven with Tobias.

SAMARA - watch dog and messenger for the great god INDRA, tracked the  cattle stolen by Panis from the
the gods.


PAN-HU  - the five -colored dog who married the Emperor's daughter and gave her twelve children

TIEN-KOW - the celestial dog that 'howls in the sky' and that causes the eclipse when it eats the sun or the moon.


XOLOTL - twin god of Quetzalcoatl, founded a new human race with bones from the underworld.


HERCULES or DRAGON - Montdidier's dog, who witnessed his murder and later attacked the muderer (Macaire) and fought a duel with him, pinning him by the throat, until he confessed the murder

MOUFLAR - a mastiff whose ears were cropped so that there was less of him to be bitten, a fact which made him fearless.

ROQUET - the faithful dog of St. Roch

Raj Prateek Verma

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Intrepid Dogs

The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs

Is Thy servant a dog, that he should do this great thing??

Billy  : was afamous terrier who killed a hundred large rats in 5 minutes 60 seconds (in a pit) and later reduced his time by 22 seconds. When he was old with only two teeth left and one eye missing, the owner of a Berkshire bitch bet that his bitch would beat Billy's time on fifty rats. Billy achieved his full kill in 5 minutes and six seconds, but the bitch gave up after killing only thirty.

DOX  : was a German Shepherd dog detective in Italy and as clever as they come- he could untie knots, unload pistols, and remember a wanted man six years after the fugitive had eluded him. He competed in Europe's annual police dog competition and won the first prize in 1953, successfully defending it for several years against other famous dogs like REX of Scotland Yard and XORRO of Paris. Dox won four gold twenty seven silver medals. He had SEVEN BULLET -WOUND SCARS by the time he was 14 years old.

He saved a child from being run over by a car, tracked down a lost skier, kept TWELVE SUSPECTS AT BAY WITH RAISED ARMS UNTIL HELP ARRIVED, caught a BURGLAR AFTER A LONG CHASE WITH ONE OF HIS LEG S SHATTERED BY A BULLET, and was famous for SOLVING CRIMES all on his own.

JACK  : was a dalmatian, the mascot of Brooklyn,s Engine Company 105 in New York. He rolled a fallen child out of the way of the fire truck as it accelerated out of the station, and received a medal of valour.

NICK CARTER  :  was a Bloodhound whose tracking resulted in the conviction of more than six hundred criminals. He could pick up a trail four days old and could track a man on horseback.

TREP  : was a Golden Retriever trained as a sniffer dog to scent out illegal drugs. His owner was a police officer in Florida when he began to train the dog in 1973, and within two months Trep had sniffed out a haul of one and a half tons of hashish in the bulkheads of a sloop!!

The following year he found cocaine in a doll clutched by a young girl leaving a plane in Miami. By 1979 he was responsible for a HUNDRED ARRESTS AND THE RECOVERY OF NARCOTICS WORTH MORE THAN 63 MILLION DOLLARS. In GUINESS BOOK OF RECORDS, Trep was given the task of detecting TEN hidden drugs packets at a demonstration in a school. He found all ELEVEN of them!!

Raj Prateek Verma

Sunday 23 October 2011



Litter sizes range from one to about 15 or 16 and on average the larger the breed the larger the litter. In most breeds the bitches come into season twice a year, but the Basenji only has one heat a year, like most wild dogs.Sometimes record litters are produced though it is rare for all the pups to survive.


ST.BERNARD : whelped 23 puppies in June 1944, but  were not registered and could have been two or three litters.

AMERICAN FOXHOUNDS : called LENA claimed to have whelped 23 puppies out of which 11 died.

GREAT DANE : Largest litter registered by AKC is 19, though in one case there is a claim for 21.

BLOOD HOUND : 17 in one litter in 1917, all survived. On average, bloodhounds have 9-16 in a litter, and there is a claim for 19 in the last century.

IRISH SETTER :  18, 16 and 15 in successive years to the same bitch.

DOBERMANN :  17 is the AKC record for the breed.


16  Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Collie, English Setter, English Springer Spaniel, German Sheperd, German short-haired and wire-haired pointer, Golden Retriever, Newfoundland, Weimeraner.

15- Airedale, Boxer, Bouvier des Flandres, Brittaney Spaniels, Labrador Retrievers, poodle.


BOSTON TERRIERS : usually need Caesarean.

BRUSSELS GRIFFON : irregular season, does not always conceive, small litter.

BULLDOG : often infertile, usually need Caesarean if they do give birth, and then they are such hopeless mothers that fosters must be found..

ESKIMO DOG : Sometimes eat the puppies if they are left alone. (natural instinct of many wild animals)

FINNISH SPITZ : Pups are very delicate.

JAPANESE SPANIEL : very difficult to rear the pups, even if they are born alive.

MASTIFF : accident prone- the mother often manages to lie on the pups and squash them to death.

POMERANIAN: pups are very delicate and small. You can hold three of them in the palm of your hand.

YORKSHIRE TERRIER : usually needs the help of a vet when whelping.


In Paraguay and Peru dogs were so highly esteemed that human wet nurses looked after orphan pups
In England in the early 18th century, spaniel bitches were used to foster 'sow babbies' to sweeten the pork so that it would 'eat as fine as any puppy dog'.
The father of well known Victorian painter, Landseer, had a bitch which fostered a lion cub in 1820. Orphan tiger cubs have been known to be fostered on bitches too.
A Newfoundland living in Sussex recently adopted a duckling; they became inseparable. There was also a hen which brooded some orphan pups.

Raj Prateek Verma

Friday 21 October 2011

My Dog has grown old !

The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs                                              My Dog has grown old !

My dog has grown old. That bundle of joy is no longer as exuberant as he used to be. Nowadays he sits by the corner when I reach home and doesn't come running to me wagging his tail nineteen to a dozen. I do miss all this but realize that he still feels very happy when he sees me after a gap but simply cannot muster enough strength to lift himself up. I really feel sorry for him. We had a very long and  happy association which I would cherish throughout my life. And it is certain a new dog will never be able to replace him.

When our pet grows old, he expects more care, love and understanding from his owner. His expectations are certainly not very high. He has loved and cared for his master and his family throughout his life and has asked virtually nothing in return other than love. It is now our duty to make his remaining life as comfortable as possible.


With age, the hair around the muzzle begins to whiten. The nerves and muscles of the hind legs are first to show signs of deterioration. The muscles may shake, as there is a gradual weakening of the legs. Sometimes there is partial paralysis of the rear legs.

Loss of hearing: One of the first senile changes is loss of hearing- usually before sight and smell. the poor dog will have difficulty detecting the direction of sounds. In city traffic it is dangerous to let the dog loose as he might not be able to apprehend the approaching vehicle. As he becomes old there might be a heavy coating of wax in his ears or ear mites may cause loss of hearing.

Loss of sight: Following deafness, eyesight usually begin to fail. The dog will stop wandering He will hesitate to walk in unfamiliar surroundings. The dog will come to rely more and more on his old, established surroundings. He will not want to be disturbed.

Constipation:  It is fairy common in older dogs because of lack of exercise and changes in metabolism.
Mild and gentle exercise and frequent outings on the grass will help. Such foods as bran cereal, liver, vegetables should be added to the dogs food ass they act as a laxative.

Rheumatism and Arthritis : Stiffness in the hindquarters is an early sign of approaching old age. An overweight dog more trouble moving about. After lying in one spot for a long period, he will tend to have trouble in getting up. Sometimes he will have to be helped. Sleeping in warm quarters is helpful in rheumatism and arthritis.  Cold and damp surfaces should be avoided at all costs.  ASPIRIN AND HEAT helps in relieving pain due to rheumatism and Arthritis.

As the dog gradually becomes deaf and partially blind, he will tend to be as close to his master as much possible. He will rely more on the most important person in his life.


1. Increased respiration with shortness of breath : Heart trouble

2. Coughing                                                       : Congestive heart failure

3. Fainting spells, sudden collapse, paralysis       : Heart, cerebral stroke

4. Increased thirst and urination                         : Nephritis (Kidney failure)

5. Halitosis                                                       : Bad teeth or gums

6. Urine odor from mouth                                 : Uremia

Periodic examinations by a vet will detect many ailments and diseases in the earliest stages. the old do has less resistance to ailments and diseases and his recovery time is slower. Periodic checkups will certainly prolong the life of the pet. The vet will discover in time what may be necessary to keep the animal healthy and alive.

Raj Prateek Verma            

Tuesday 18 October 2011


The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs


Kintamani dog , native to Bali, Indonesia, is a wonderful breed which needs more exposure to the outside world in order to gain its much delayed acceptance. Although, people who have come across it, have found it to be too irresistible to be ignored and have invariably taken it back to their own country. Holland can boast to be having a sizable population of kintamani.

This breed is very popular in Jakarta. The most sought after Kintamani is of white color with thick fur on its neck and hind quarters. The breed is still an evolving one indigenous to the Kintamani region of Bali. The folklore has the breed originating 600 years from the Chinese CHOW-CHOW. The breed generally cohabit ates with the feral Bali street dogs.


Common fur colors are white, beige and black. It looks like a mix between Samoyed. THE DOGS ARE OFTEN CONFINED TO COLD PLACES, generally in the cold dark caves of Kintamani volcanoes, which according to the local populace is essential in developing the thick white coat !!

Height :  Male : 45-55 cms (at whithers)
             Female: 40-50 cms (at whithers)

Stature :  The stature is straight just like the Bali street dog. The ears are erect and the tail is forwardly curved. The eyes are almond shaped, generally brown in color.

Temperament :

It is a gentle dog, yet it retains enough assertive behaviour. A good guard dog but certainly not vicious. It is a fiercely independent breed and can be aggressively territorial while  at the same time tender and affectionate with children.

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Friday 14 October 2011


 This is a painting by me on a wall  using enamel paints

The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs


We were wild stallions running
free on the wide open space,
running as fast as our legs would take us.

Virgins to the
streets of the
cruel city.

Simple country kids
with stars in our eyes
and dreams in our heads
and only a little green
in our old leather wallet.

We made a pretty run of it,
you and I.
Making more than most people maker
in a lifetime.

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Raj Prateek Verma


The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs


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A dog as big as a donkey!
Well this might be an exaggeration by Marco Polo, the famous traveller. I am writing about a huge dog, a breed whose origins go back to 1100 B.C. Yes, Tibetan Mastiff, a native breed of Tibet, was living in complete isolation for centuries. The world was absolutely unaware of the existence of this breed. It was only in the mid 1800s that a puppy was gifted to Queen Victoria that led to the  breed coming into  limelight. Now, of course, this breed has been accepted by major kennel clubs of the world and has good fan following.

Tibetan Mastiffs descended from the famous Tibetan dogs. One of the oldest breeds, Tibetan Mastiff is found in Tibet. The climate is of extreme cold and in order to survive, nature has endowed it with a very heavy and shaggy coat.

This very primitive breed has recently found patrons among  the newly- rich Chinese who consider it a status symbol to own one. It is rumoured that a Chinese coal magnate bought a puppy for a whopping $1.52 million , making it the costliest dog of the world!!


It is a fine guard dog. It is a fearless warrior, ever ready to save his 'family' at any cost. Although, slightly stubborn, it needs careful handling and a strong and firm master to control it although it has proved itself time and again  to be very gentle to women and children.

If the dog believes that he is right, he will not listen to a master who is meek and timid and lacks a strong mind and character. The owner must possess a natural air of authority to control this dog.

When the owner makes it clear that he is the Alpha of the pack, the dog when trained and house-broken, can prove to be a very good and useful companion.

Height :  25-30 inches

Weight: 64-80 kgs

Health problems: Prone to hype dysplasia, thyroid problem, skin disorder and ear infection.

Living conditions: Can live in an apartment if they are given proper exercise. Needs to be taken for daily walks.

Grooming : A must on regular basis.

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