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Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Feeding suggestions

The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs

Suggestions :

1.  One meal in a day is usually recommended  by vets for an adult dog.  The reason behind this is that it takes a long time for the dog (About 16 to 18 hours) to completely digest its food.

2. Never make a sudden change in a dog's diet as it is sure to cause digestive disorder. By adding a little more of the new food each day and reducing the former food gradually, will make the change slowly acceptable to the dog's digestive system.

3. Some types of meat like raw pork is not suited for dog's diet as it has high FAT CONTENT. Other types of meat to be avoided are   FRIED, SPICED or HIGHLY SEASONED ONES.

4. Watch dogs should be fed latest by 4 p.m . They might feel sleepy if fed late in the evening.

5. Barking dogs who create nuisance by their continuous barking, should be fed late in the evening for obvious reasons.,

6. A dog should not be fed within three hours of strenuous exercise.  

7. While bringing back the dog from kennel or hospital, food  should not be offered to him immediately. Let the dog calm down first. Over excitement causes NAUSEA.

8.Fresh drinking water should be always available to the dog, specially during the summers.

9. If your dog is obese, fat and carbohydrate content should be gradually decreased in the food and simultaneously protein should be increased gradually.

10. WARNING : Over abundance of protein and generous addition of vitamins may cause enhanced growth  but might also cause lameness in grown up dogs!!

Raj Prateek Verma    

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