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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

A puppy as a second dog

The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs

Jealousy and possessiveness are the strongest of canine emotions. If you already  have a dog at home and plan to bring in a new puppy, be sure that a new stranger in the house is bound to create jealousy and animosity.

The older dog will feel his world is being threatened and so he should get first preference in everything.

Here are few tips which might be helpful to bring about acceptance of the new pup without too much of trouble.

1. Feed the dogs in seperate rooms , if possible as the pup will require feeding at regular intervals

2. The older dog may be given tiny bit of food every time the pup is fed. This will not let the older dog feel neglected.

3. Do not make any drastic changes in the older dog's routine. He should not feel any inconvenience in his daily life due to this new arrival.

4. Give love and attention to your older pet as you used to in the past. He should not feel your attention has been diverted from him due to the puppy.

5. Never show excessive love or attention to the new arrival in front of the older dog. This will only aggravate jealousy.

6.There might be some growling and wrestling match between the two. This is quite normal. Rarely it has been seen that an adult dog has seriously injured a puppy.

7. Let the two work it out between themselves. The olderdog will likely be the boss. However, you should be ready to intervene in case the bout gets a bit too rough.

Raj Prateek Verma

Thursday, 19 May 2011

How to choose a healthy puppy?

The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs

Ten important points to be remembered while choosing a puppy.

1. Check the eyes      :  They should be clear, bright and should not have any scars or light spots on the cornea.

2. The emphasis should be on well proportioned body. Avoid plump or extra large ones. The puppy should neither be fat nor thin. Pot bellied means WORMS.

3. Ears and nose        : They should not have any signs of discharge. It should not be shaking its head too much.

4. Skin                       : It should be clear with no rough spots. Scratching is a sign of parasites. The coat
                                   should be fluffy, glossy and oily. Any loss of hair suggests mange, fungus, worms
                                   or lice.

5.Teeth                       : They should be bright and clean. The gum should be light pink. White gums reflect

6. Diarrhoea               : Check the behind. There should be no stains suggesting diarrhoea. Diarrhoea
                                    signifies worm/parasites infection.

7. Deafness                : A slight click with your fingers behind the ears with no response indicates partial or
                                   total deafness. White coloured breeds are more susceptible to deafness.

8. NEVER choose a timid or shy puppy. Shyness indicates sickness. A healthy puppy is lively and hungry.

9. Bone structure       : It should be solid and without bumps in legs. Beware of puppies having knots in the

10. Size & breed       : The size and breed matters immensely when you want to buy a puppy. Larger breeds
                                   need more open space for exercise to remain healthy and happy. Smaller breeds are
                                   more suited to city life. Short-haired dogs survive better in tropical and sub tropical
                                  climates. It is better to cosunlt an expert before arriving at a decision.

Remember, you have taken a 10-year project on your hand. It is your responsibility to see that the puppy receives proper care and lots of loved. In return, it will devote all its love and loyalty to you throughout its life.!!

You be happy and your dog will remain happy.

Raj Prateek Verma

Sunday, 15 May 2011

My recent oil painting

The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs

This is an oil painting on canvas board depicting Rajasthani singer playing a sarangi and accompanied by a musician on harmonium. These bards earn their livelihood singing the heroic deeds and valour of Rajput princes of the bygone era. This painting is for sale. Size 50 cms x 40 cms  Bid price Rs.45000/-

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Raj Prateek VermaDogalogue                                              

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Signs of sick puppies

The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs

Vomiting            : This is a very common ailment among puppies. If your puppy has vomited more than two or three times in a day, it might be possible that he has swallowed a foreign object. As puppies are very curious by nature, they have a tendency to pick up and chew almost anything. Many a times, sharp objects like needles, pin, razor blades, ball are devoured by pups, causing vomiting accompanied with blood. The vet should be consulted immediately if vomiting persists.

Diarrhoea           : The cause of diarrhoea may be simply over feeding or teething. In case of acute intestinal disorder, intestinal parasites may be the reason. Sometimes, improper hygiene can also lead to diarrhoea.

Loss of appetite : If a puppy refuses a feeding, food should be taken away from him and offered to him after a duration of one to two hours. If he still refuses to eat, a vet must be consulted immediately as a puppy cannot survive without food for more than 8 hours. He will dehydrate, weaken and go into a shock very quickly.

Lethargy         : A puppy may become listless if the diet given to him is in adequate or lacks in nutritional value. A proper and balanced diet with vital vitamin supplements is a must for a healthy puppy.

Intestinal parasites or worms may also cause a puppy to become listless. Its stool should be examined and proper de-worming medicine should be administered, of course after consulting the vet. A sick pup should never be given medicine for worms

Ricket             : It is caused due to a deficiency of calcium and phosphorous. Vitamin A and D will help to combat this problem. Bow-legged, large knots of bones at the leg joints are the symptoms.

Other signs of sickness: 1. Coughing
                                               2: Running nose and eyes
                                               3. Fever

if the above symptoms persist, your pup is really sick and proper medical treatment is a must.

Raj Prateek Verma

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