It is a widespread superstition that a dog howls when there is a death. To quote Longfellow:
In the rabbinical book it saith:
The dog howls when with icy breath,
Great Sammael, the angel of death,
Takes thro' the town his flight.
In medieval bestiary, the only way to capture a mandrake root ( to which all sorts of magical powers were attributed) was by using a wolfhound to tear it from the earth.
An ancient Kaffir superstition was that bad luck should be expected if a dog leaped on to the roof of a hut. The Damara of south west Africa dreaded meeting a dog with one foot like that of an ostrich- a sign of impending death.
Two thousand years ago docking a dog's tail was thought to prevent madness. The practice was encouraged in more recent times by taxation ( A bob tailed dog was a working dog)
Raj Prateek Verma