It is quite possible that your dog may suffer from burns, being as naughty as they are. It is very painful and has to be treated immediately before rushing it to the vet in case of severe burns.
If possible give an aspirin as first aid. The commonest burns occur on the pads as the animal walks or is chased over hot ash or cinders. If the surface is unbroken or blistered, cover it with a dry, clean pad and bandage the whole feet. If the surface is broken, use any soothing ointment and bandage the feet.
The second most common burns are scales on the back caused by spilling
hot water or food as the dog gets under feet near the stove. Apply a many tailed bandage tied underneath. Remember these symptoms usually takes days to show. You can use a soothing ointment if skin is broken, but only a dry gauze if it is blistered.
A burn is caused by dry heat, such as a flame. A scald is caused by moist heat,a such as steam. But the difference is that of name. Practically since the symptoms for both are same, the same type of treatment would apply.
Causes : Caustic soda, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, diesel oil, etc.( A note on diesel oil: animals often come into contact with diesel oil when they go under a parked vehicle.)
Description :
1. A chemical burn resembles a scald. It is moist and oozing.
2 The hair around the burn usually falls off.
3 If the animal has tried to drink the chemical, there will be ulcers around its muzzle and tongue.
Raj Prateek Verma