FREDERICK THE GREAT OF PRUSSIA : Carried an Italian greyhound everywhere with him., even into the battle, and he buried it himself, in the Palace garden at Berlin.
LOUIS XI OF FRANCE AND CHARLES I OF LORRAINE : passionate hunters with dogs.
LOUIS XIV : Great Pyrenean court dog known as 'The gentleman with the white fur'.
LOUIS XV : Truffle dogs.
12th CENTURY KING OF ULSTER : offered six thousand cows for a Wolfhound called AIBE and fought a battle when his offer was declined.
15th CENTURY KING MATTHIAS I : used a Kuvasz for hunting wild boar.
16th CENTURY KING OF SPAIN : Loved and kept Irish Wolfhounds.
CHINESE EMPEROR : AD 565 - Persian dog called CH'IN HU or Red Tiger, rode on front of Emperor's saddle.
KING SOLOMON : saluki called GIRT IN THE LOINS for coursing.
KING LOBENGUIA : 19th century Matabole chief - gave two hundred cattle for one Italian greyhound.
CHIEF M'TESA OF THE WAGANDA : Uganda- Described by Captain Speke as being accompanied by a white dog, a spear, a shield and a woman- the trappings of royalty because eight generations earlier a hunter called UGANDA came from Unyoro with a spear, shield, woman and pack of dogs and founded the kingdom of WAGANDA.
GREAT KHAN OF TARTARY : used to hunt with a pack of five thousand hounds.
DALAI LAMA OF TIBET : exchanged Lhasa apsos for Shih-tzus when visiting dignitaries came from China.
EMPERORS OF CHINA : varieties of small spaniels like today's oriental spaniels kept only in the homes of royalty and court nobles; the court dog OKINAMARA had her troubles recorded in Lady Sei Shunagan's sketchbook, AD 991-1000
Hope you liked it.
Raj Prateek Verma