The more I see of humans, The more I love Dogs
The wild dog found in India and in Indonesia, has been taken for a Dingo, but it is much fiercer and virtually untameable. It lives in the jungle and hunts by night. It resembles the Malinois, or the Belgian sheepdog.
It has shown itself to have great courage. It lives in groups and can give a tough fight to the tiger, sending it clambering up a tree like a cat. It rarely attacks human beings, but does not appear to be afraid of people.
In Africa, and more precisely in the high montane grasslands of Ethiopia, lives the Simian jackal or fox. which resembles the Greyhound. It is, in fact , thought that it made its way from Ethiopia to Egypt, where it became the forbear of all modern Greyhounds.
On the island of Phy Quoc, in the Gulf of Thailand, lives a sturdy Mastiff- like dog, in a semi-wild state. Its distinctive feature is that the coat along its backbone and up to its shoulders is lo0nger than elsewhere on its body, with the fur lying in the opposite direction to the rest of the coat, forming a sort of mane. The dog from Phy Quoc is believed to be the ancestor of RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK, by now a thoroughly domestic breed.
It too has a ridge of hair along its back, running in the opposite direction to the rest of its coat
Raj Prateek Verma